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Cardiac Fatigue

Cardiac Fatigue Treatment Specialist in Buffalo, NY

Cardiac fatigue is a condition characterized by physical or mental weariness caused by exertion, overexertion, or excessive stress. It can be triggered by physical conditions, a poor diet, chronic stress, or overexertion. Symptoms include headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, concentration issues, nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath. If you or someone you love is experiencing cardiac fatigue, the heart specialist Dr. Leon Levinsky, MD, and his team at Sterling Heart Care in Buffalo, NY, can help you improve your cardiovascular health. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 4330 Maple Rd. 1st Floor Buffalo, NY 14226.

Cardiac Fatigue Treatment Specialist Near Me in Buffalo, NY
Cardiac Fatigue Treatment Specialist Near Me in Buffalo, NY

Table of Contents:

What is cardiac fatigue?
Can fatigue be a symptom of heart problems?
What is the medical treatment for fatigue?
What heart problems cause fatigue?

The heart is a muscular organ located in the chest; it pumps blood throughout the body and is the primary organ responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. The heart also plays a role in the body’s circulatory system, which helps to distribute oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Because the heart plays such a fundamental role in the body, when it is experiencing problems, it can result in a number of different symptoms and complications, most commonly fatigue.

What is cardiac fatigue?

Cardiac fatigue is a state of physical and/or mental weariness resulting from or exacerbated by exertion, overexertion, or excessive stress, which is caused by any of a variety of problems, such as physical conditions, poor diet, chronic stress, or overexertion during a specific activity. This fatigue usually affects both the body and the mind and may be accompanied by brain fog or physical discomfort. Cardiac fatigue, also called cardiorespiratory fatigue, is an abnormal, unpleasant and potentially dangerous condition that occurs when a person’s heart is working hard and is exhausted as a result. Cardiac fatigue is typically accompanied by symptoms such as headache, muscle aches, dizziness and problems concentrating and remembering. Cardiac fatigue may also be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or shortness of breath.

Can fatigue be a symptom of heart problems?

Yes, fatigue can be a symptom of heart problems; in fact, it is one of the most common and earliest symptoms of heart problems. This is because the heart plays a vital function in physical performance and energy, so when its activity is compromised, people can experience a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue. Fatigue symptoms to be aware of include:

– Sudden exhaustion after normal exercise routine
– Feeling tired when not physically active
– Simple activities, like washing dishes, are exhausting
– Difficulties sleeping despite feeling tired

These symptoms can signal that something may not be quite right, such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, heart disease or an impending heart attack.

What is the medical treatment for fatigue?

Because fatigue is a common symptom that occurs alongside many conditions, the medical treatment for fatigue depends on the underlying cause of this symptom. In cases where fatigue is caused by cardiovascular problems, lifestyle modifications are often recommended, such as eating a healthier diet and exercising more regularly. In mild cases, these changes are often enough to promote better health; however, moderate to severe cases may require more interventional methods. A common treatment method for fatigue caused by heart problems is External Counterpulsation Therapy, or ECP therapy. This involves creating pressure by inflating a series of cuffs (similar to blood-pressure cuffs) that squeeze the extremities, forcing blood back up to the heart on each cycle. ECP therapy can improve cardiovascular efficiency, allowing people to improve their cardiovascular strength even when they are resting.

What heart problems cause fatigue?

There are a number of different heart problems that can cause fatigue, especially if left untreated for extended periods. In relation to the heart, fatigue is often caused by heart disease or heart failure as there is a reduced ability to pump blood, so less oxygen reaches the muscles. Less oxygen results in muscle fatigue, which can cause a person to feel tired, enervated and unmotivated to perform even simple everyday tasks.

Call us today to book an appointment with our cardiac fatigue treatment specialist, or visit our clinic conveniently located at 4330 Maple Road, Buffalo, NY 14226. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from Buffalo NY, Kenmore NY, Pine Hill NY, Sloan NY, Cleveland Hill NY, and Kaisertown NY.